A garden without some sort of decorative feature is just plain boring.
Decorative features and interesting objects direct the eye, add a focal point and compliment the plants within the garden. Plants are just one component in a garden scheme that also needs features such as pots, benches, sundials, statues and urns to add embellishment and added interest. Of course a lot of objects I've seen in gardens couldn't be considered traditional garden decorations and yet discovering them was just as enjoyable if not more.
One of my favorite objects in the garden is a Victorian gazing globe. I have been using them since my first garden and wouldn't be without one. Word to the wise, always secure the globe to the stand, I have lost two over the years when winds have lifted them up and dashed them down.
A glass globe or even an attractive bowling ball can be quite effective.
A glass globe or even an attractive bowling ball can be quite effective.
Objects can be as simple as an urn on a pedestal of old bricks.
I love it when an object is nearly hidden and you just stumble upon it when it catches your eye.
Statues have traditionally been used in the garden as a focal point, such as this statue of Pan at Pashley Place in England.
This weathered bust was found in the garden Great Comp in England...the crow seemed to enjoy it too.
Of course it takes a large garden to pull off having a life-sized chess set, such as here at Groombridge in England.
This certainly isn't your typical decorative object in the garden but I loved discovering this pile of discarded pots within a walled garden at Iden Croft Herbs in England.
An object doesn't have to be large to be decorative, a little terra cotta toad house or even tinier fairy figurine are charming tucked in among the plants.
Imagine following the sound of water and finding this fountain on the back of a chimney among climbing hydrangeas, what could be more charming.
I found these little guys among the tall grass at Merriments Garden in England.
Sometimes you find something totally unexpected such as these graves of some beloved family pets.
OK so I couldn't resist this found object...why does everything look better in an English garden, even a cart of weed clippings.
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