Hakonechloa (Hack-on-ee-kl-oh-ah) - Golden Hakone Grass
Not all grasses need lots of sun, Hakonechloa grasses are at their best in part shade, though they do well in both full shade and full sun too. But they really shine...literally...in part shade where they add vivid highlights in shaded areas or evening gardens. They are also noted for their movement in a breeze. They are maintenance free and best of all, especially here in the northeast...deer aren't attracted to them.
Hakonechloa grows 12" to 18" tall, spreads through underground stolons but is well-behaved. It grows best in moist humus-rich well-drained soil, works well as a container plant, cascading over the sides like a waterfall and is also excellent as an edging plant.
The genus drives it's name from "Hakon", a region in Japan and "chloa", the Greek word for grass.
Hakonechloa macra "Aureola" was voted 2009 Perennial of the the year by the Perennial Plant Association.
A golden Hakon grass is a great companion to dark purple plants such as Heucheras or a variety of Hostas
This Hakonechloa is in deep shade and thrives alongside the pond...and actually mimics the waterfall it's next to.
These grasses work best at the front of a border where they can cascade into a pathway or over an edging.
There are other varieties of Hakonechloa...this is one of my favorites, Hakonechloa macra "All Gold". It's practically florescent at dusk.
Hakonechloa macra "Nicolas" has green blades during the summer which turn orange and red in the fall.
Hakonechloa macra "Beni-Kaze" which is Japanese for "Red Wind" has green leaves during the summer and as the weather cools, they turn to varying shades of red.
Hakonechloa macra "Naomi" is another new introduction which is green during the summer months and becomes reddish-purple during the fall.
If you are looking for a grass that thrives in low light, is easy to care for, pest and deer free and adds a great sparkle to your garden, look into getting a Hakonechloa grass...you'll LOVE it!
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